Urgent Care

Urgent Care

The ODH Urgent Care Centre has highly skilled nursing staff with the ability to make contact with a doctor for urgent care presentations, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Nursing staff triage and make an initial assessment on the severity of the condition and urgency of treatment required.

Depending on the type of presentation, UCC nurses can initiate treatment or arrange for a Doctor, if there is a need for a medical assessment.  

For less acute presentations but still necessitating medical assessment and treatment, a Doctor can be called via the  “Victorian Virtual Emergency Department” (VVED) which is operated by Northern Health. This service is available 24/7 from the OMC UCC or the person’s home.

For urgent or high priority presentations, medical support can be accessed via the “Adult Retrieval Victoria” (ARV) provided by Ambulance Victoria.

Both VVED and ARV are able to videoconference directly into the ODH Urgent Care Centre and visually assess the patient, whilst nurses undertake relevant physical assessment etc.

A range of interventions can be arranged by VVED or ARV, including access to ambulances (road or air) and bed availability, if transfer to higher level care is required.

For stabilisation and transport of paediatrics and infants, the State-wide Paediatric Infant Perinatal Emergency Retrieval (PIPER) is accessible via the same technology.

ODH UCC has some nursing staff trained to perform X-rays of upper and lower extremities.

Inpatient care at Omeo District Health can be provided via four acute beds. Admissions are generally for lower acuity conditions that do not require surgery or complex investigation. Beds are often utilised for patients returning from larger facilities that require further home assessment or assistance prior to safe discharge.

There is also capacity to admit into a Transitional Care Bed for either community or hospital-based care.

ODH can also admit clients for respite or permanent care within our 14 Beds Residential Aged Care Home facility - "Lewington House".
